As soon as the loving presence returned, my three hour long kriya meditation become much more peaceful. My mind did not race as much and I was not so antsy. My daily affirmations developed much more power. I could truly feel gratitude and love when saying them. I believe that aligning our affirmations with that true emotional state is what makes them much more effective. Love is what gives our thoughts their creative fuel. I noticed negative emotions and thoughts much less frequently and if they popped up I could affirm them away. I also noticed my body smelled better! This is kind of weird but I am going to include it here... both my body odor and my urine smelled sweet (and still do)!!! Its bizarre but an affirmation of transformation none the less:)
The affirmations kept coming. For example my 10 year old car had been having electrical problems on and off monthly since June 2009. The check engine light would turn on suddenly while driving and I would lose all power. If I just restarted the engine everything worked okay. Well I had been reading in Louise Hay's book that even the physical world responds to the power of our thoughts. It occurred to me that these random electrical problems could be possibly responding to a "bad vibe" I was putting out. Armed with that insight I walked towards my car one day glowing with the love buzz after a beautiful meditation. I thought to myself "the car won't have any problems today because I feel so good". Well after one block of driving my car shut off!!! I was baffled. It was not until later that day that I recalled from several spiritual sources that the Universe only recognizes positive statements. Words of negation (no or not) get ignored. Hence I had basically focused my thoughts on exactly what I didn't want... my car to break down! And the power of love doesn't guarantee a particular outcome, it just gives power to our thoughts. Needless to say I have learned quickly to change my language to positive statements, especially when I'm feeling good. For example now I think... boy its great to have this car which hums like a fine tuned machine:) (Since writing this last section, I have been tempted to erase or change it because of further experiences with my "check engine" light. Over time it has become clear to me that I DON'T have the slightest clue how I'm effecting its operation, but it is obvious that I'm effecting it. For example, it stayed lit for about three months lately until I brought my car to the mechanic for an unrelated problem. They did nothing accept have the car for a day and look under the hood. The light was off when I got the car back and stayed off for about one day. The same thing has happened several times. Suggesting to me that my presence if effecting its operation, but I'm unable to link it to my thoughts or emotions!)
I also noticed improvements with my interpersonal relationships. Louise Hay suggests that everyone has both positive and negative seeds (in regards to personality) and we can choose to draw either out of the person. Not only does our behavior when we're with them influence this, but she contends that even our MENTAL IMAGE that we carry of that person will attract a matching response. This spiritual principle is known as samyama. I realized there were several people I feared whenever I thought of them because of past experiences. And even to this date I tended to have interactions with them that generated fear in me. I figured... what do I have to lose! So I started some intense forgiving and loving affirmations while imagining these individuals. I also kept close tabs on my thoughts through out the day and if I noticed myself think of them and feeling fear... I would immediately draw up my love buzz and picture the individual. Over several weeks it seemed as if I was healing my mental images and cultivating a healthy mind. And the truly amazing thing was that without even directly forgiving or treating these people differently our interactions started to change. I was treated with more respect by them and there were no new fear generating experiences! Mind boggling!!
Needless to say this is strongly reinforcing my spiritual goal to love all beings in all situations. Now I'm attempting to love everything that I used to shirk away from... bills, my pager, my foreclosing home. Some days are easier than others. But even after experiencing other strong emotions, I am eventually able to find my loving presence again and again.
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